How Do E-Bikes Work

A friend of mine just bought an electric bicycle. Because there are so many parallelisms between electric golf carts and e-bicycles, he thought I’d be the person to ask all kinds of questions about how it works, how far he could go with it on a charge, how to take care of it, etc. Since I had never really studied e-bikes, I launched a new project for myself: to find out all I could about them. So, I decided to add a new section to the website that discusses them. Like electric golf carts, e-bikes use batteries as their source of power, an electric motor to deliver the power, an electronic controller to ration the energy from the battery pack to the motor as it is needed. The e-bike also employs sensors to monitor the e-bikes performance and keep the controller doing what it is suppose to. Doesn’t that sound like an electric golf cart? It does to me, so let’s tear into them and see what they are all about.